
Anne | abagofflour.com

Hey there!

My name is Anne.
I was born and raised in Germany, but love led me to California.
Though I am a translator by trade, my true passion is baking and cooking.

I get ridiculously excited about making kitchen staples at home, whether it’s homemade butter, yogurt, cheese, vinegar, extracts, or pasta, you name it. I believe in good and honest food and I try to use as much seasonal and local produce as I can. When you make things from scratch, you know exactly what you are getting, and there is just something very special about enjoying a slice of freshly baked bread with your own homemade butter and jam.

Why a bag of flour?
When we go grocery shopping and my husband asks what we need to grab from the store, my standard response is “a bag of flour, just in case”. Well, to be honest, the very first thing on every single shopping list in our house is milk, due to the fact that I drink a shameful amount of lattes…
There are certain things that I love to always have on hand, and given that I bake my own bread and am addicted to baked goodies in any shape or form, flour is one of the most essential ingredients in my pantry.

What you will find here:
Detailed and honest original recipes along with essential techniques and my personal tips and tricks.
My goal is to offer recipes for delicious dishes and the basics they are made up of, so you can mix and match depending on how many of the ingredients you want to make yourself.

I truly believe that anyone can make amazing food. All you need is a tiny bit of background knowledge and confidence.
There is something so rewarding about preparing a meal and sharing it with people you care about, and I hope to help you spoil your loved ones with great food.

I hope you have fun along the way. Let me know how it’s going!


One thought on “About

  1. Welcome to blogging. I am happy to stumble upon your blog. Flour is always on my list, just in case, too. 😀 Looking forward to following your blog. Have a wonderful time. 🙂 xx


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